Sunday, November 29, 2009

Life is one big complication. Is it really that complicated?

I always wonder, about how my life would be if things wouldn't have happened the way it happened. Does everything happen for a reason or for the best? Certain questions are answered when you think deeply. The answers have always been there, but we always look far away thinking that everything is complicated. Life is complicated because we think it is. At some point in life we will realize that our life has never been complicated. It is only because of the preconceived notions that it seems to us that our life is one complicated maze. But that is not the truth. Ask yourself and you will know how easy life is.

Bangalore and Los Angeles have so many things in common. These cities are happening, trendy and growing at a fast pace. More importantly , they offer diversity. Nothing is as exciting as meeting new people. Their culture, their identity , their beliefs , their roots intrigue me . While Bangalore invites people from different parts of India, LA attracts people from across the country as well as from all over the world. Bangalore holds a special place in my heart because it is the place where I grew up, made my first set of friends, learned to ride a cycle, learned to ride a moped. Then I came to LA leaving behind all my memories behind only to create new ones (oh, I keep the old ones too! Precious as they are!). LA taught me many things, the most important lesson is to be independent and not to get too attached to people. Another important thing that I learnt was , if you follow your passion you can achieve great wonders (well, I followed my passion and I became a whole new person!). Meeting people from countries that I never knew existed, hearing different languages , growing more attached to India, excited about spotting an Indian on the road are some things that you see in LA (well America). Contrary to the popular perception of America being a paradise on earth, it is actually a place where you have to first go through a series of obstacles to actually make it a paradise. After you have lived a year maybe, you will understand the true feeling of what it means to be in America. People in India see only the good things about America and people who are in America see only the bad things about India. Both these countries are unique in their own way and that's what makes them so special. Of course nothing is perfect, so you cannot expect to be in heaven when you are in America nor should you think that being in India is hell (or even the other way round!). The most important thing to keep in mind is that any place in this world can be paradise. It is all in our head. No country is special. We have to make it special. We learn certain things when we live far away from our home, that is when we realize the importance of our home. No wonder they say " Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Now that I am 1000's of miles away from my dear country, I realize how much I love my country, my home where I spent a good part of my life. Coming to America was the best decision ever since it has changed me into a better person. Yes, everything happens for a reason and for the best! And yes, I did realize that life is not complicated at all and I love it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Facebook Fever!

I had to write about Facebook for obvious reasons! Facebook - oh my! It is more addictive than drugs (not that I have tried drugs! )What is about these social networking sites that gets everybody glued to their laptops? Well, for one they are fun (duh?!!), and you get to be a totally different person! It is so addictive that I talk to my roommates who are sitting in front of me through Facebook(yeah! come on, you do it too! ) .What has happened to the good old face-to-face talk? Well its more faceBOOK - to - faceBOOK talk. Facebook and other networking sites help people find their old friends, meet new people, it even works like a online dating site (oh ya! I havn't tried that one yet, nor do I intend to!). I personally feel that it is a wonderful invention, because it allows me to keep in touch with old friends who are too far to meet or who live in a totally different part of the world. And the best part is I can choose to ignore people who get annoying without telling them. (Ah, I have not done that either, but that is a nice option!). I get to show off my pictures, update everybody on my list on what I am thinking/doing (I am a very important person, you see!), get to know the upcoming events and even stalk people (I am sure everybody has done that!) or even just learn about the other person (to be polite). But of course everything has a bad side to it. These sites make people anti-social. People will soon forget how to communicate when they meet a person. The style of speaking changes drastically. Using LOL even when you do not feel like smiling let alone laughing. When I was talking to a friend, I realized that my fingers were 'typing' in the air! Whenever I make a slick comment my mind automatically visualizes the ':P' smiley. I even ended up using 'u', 'r', 'tat', 'skool' and other similar messaging language on my exams. I did correct it though! Well the point of all this is that FACEBOOK rocks! Of course there are disadvantages, but who cares. Oh! btw [by the way ;)] I promote my blogs through these networking sites, so I am totally in favor of them! Ok, I need to update my status on FB now!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Randomly Random!!

Ah...finally I am back in the blogging world after a span of what..? 3 months? 4 months? whatever!!!

I just love going to the beach to watch the sunset. It soothes me down and I feel my tensions and stress ebbing away! I feel like there is nothing is this world not even me. I just get lost into nothing!

I always wonder about my future. The future is such a distant cloud ...blurry and far far away ! I don't know what to expect. What will my future be like? But all I know is I want to do something worthwhile like helping people out in everything. It maybe like counseling or just helping them find a job or just console them when they are facing difficult times. Moral support is something everybody needs. Money is not all that important. People may be loaded with cash but when it comes to support its zero, nix ! Bam!! That is where it hurts the most!Money definitely cannot buy happiness and even if it can get the happiness it is only short-lived. People need to open themselves to people whom they trust or maybe strangers (as in doctors, counselors) so that they may avoid feeling conscious. It is amazing how these therapies, psychiatrists and counselors have increased and that people do go to them. One way of feeling better is to write your thoughts and feelings in a diary or being in a computer-oriented world maybe in a word document in your laptop! I stick to the old-fashioned diary writing. It fills me with excitement to read what I have written and I get to know when I have changed and in which ways I have changed. It broadens my perspectives and allows me to rectify myself . There are numerous advantages in keeping a diary and it is for those people who prefer to keep their feeling to themselves rather than go to the counselors . I want to prevent the number of suicides committed. Personally I feel that people who commit suicides are not cowards , they are just not used to facing the truth and that it would really help them to keep a diary, if they feel that it is embarrassing to tell others. I want to spread this and want people to come in contact with themselves and not fear for others. I want to decrease the percentage of suicides and want to help decrease the crime rate which is yet another story!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ah! the flakiness of our beloved English language!!!!

I Just received this forward, and I thought I might share this with you all. This is the most hilarious poem I have ever read! You should read it to get a few laughs! It is always contested that English language is weird and downright meaningless and yet it is the most common and universally accepted language. There is something about this language which pulls attention towards itself . It may be insane , it may be wacky but it still is the most desired and most happening language in the world! So lets read this crazy poem about the equally crazy yet august language! :)

There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger;
neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France.
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads,
which aren't sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted.
But if we explore its paradoxes,
we find that quicksand is not quick but can work slowly,
boxing rings are not round but square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing,
grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
If the plural of tooth is teeth,
why isn't the plural of booth, beeth?
One goose, 2 geese. So one moose,2 meese?
One index, 2 indices?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend?
If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them,
then what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be
committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?
Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same,
while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy
of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down,
in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which,
an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people,
not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course,
is not a race at all.
That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible,
but when the lights are out, they are invisible.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The most shocking Pictures!

Please save animals from being killed in the most gruesome way just to make goods for the sake of some ridiculous looking products!

The most shocking pictures I have ever seen! I was never a fan of leather goods because I did not like the look of it. But now I am totally against leather goods. I cannot imagine how a person can be so insensitive and so sickeningly cruel. I am not a big fan of animals , but that does not mean that I will kill all animals so that I can have what I want ! Among all animals , I like snakes. Seeing these pictures made me want to kill myself for being a human. It is a shame what people will do for money and looks. I cannot see how people can be paid for slaughtering animals callously. Don't animals have as much right as we do? Don't they deserve to be treated with respect? I am extremely glad that I am a vegetarian. I am appealing to people to check these pictures out and stop using leather goods. They are many other materials that look good on you! Please do not encourage the slaying of innocent animals just because they are overpowered and cannot speak out. Let's not put mankind to shame by being barbarous. It is bad enough that humans kill humans. So please do what you can to save these animals who are being killed in such a disgusting fashion!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic!!

It is a wonder that I haven't talked about my interest (or rather obsession) - SHOPPING!! I LOVE shopping! My record till date is 8 hours nonstop shopping (Thanksgiving '08). I can never forget that! WOW!! That was one helluva day!! I mean I literally "shopped till I dropped". I could no longer stand , that is when I had to stop!!! Shopping is my passion.All my worries and stress just melts away when I go shopping. I know it is kind of an expensive way to relieve stress, but whatever works!! :) I know it is not good to be a shopaholic, but I can't help it, I am so good at it! I feel like I am in cloud 9 when I am shopping. Once I see something that I like ,I HAVE to get it, else I will have a series of nightmares till I get my hands on my target. I agree that this is the worst part of being a shopaholic. But now I am a little better. I try not to be too obsessive and think more about how much I am spending. Still I consider that shopping is one of my best talents. It isn't easy. Most people get tired or bored soon or they are very bad at choosing or they just don't like shopping. But me , I am full of enthusiasm when it comes to shopping. I am an expert at choosing the best among the rest! Oh, I know I sound boastful and pathetic, but this is the only area where I am very very confident and feel very comfortable!So the next time you are bored or need help with shopping , you can always count on me to help you out!! (The Shopping expert, if I may say so myself!! :D)

Friday, March 27, 2009


"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday! " - Don Marquis

Well at least it is a polite way of saying "You are plain lazy! " I am so good at procrastination that I have become immune to the nagging voice in my head .

"Nothing is so fatiguing that the eternal hanging of an uncompleted task! " -
William James

I really agree with this. I feel so frustrated to keep pushing things. I have tried so hard to stop being such a lazy bug, but everyday the procrastination disease gets more and more serious. Like, I have a Math midterm on Friday and I have been thinking about studying for it since 3 weeks. now I have a week left and am still pushing it. I wasted a whole day (but enjoyed it! :) )and I feel so guilty. I have become sickeningly good at convincing myself that I have plenty of time, when I really know that I don't. It is sad that I am so easily distracted which makes it harder for me to study even for hour!

"Procrastination is opportunity's assassin. " ~Victor Kiam

I bet! No one can understand that better than me.

"Procrastination is the thief of time." -Edward Young

Oh I know! :(

I wish there was some kind of a doctor or a procrastination specialist who would prescribe some pills which can avoid humans from procrastinating! Wouldn't that be just lovely?
Well dreaming certainly doesn't help it , so all we have to do is have a firm mind and just overrule our mind when it tries to convince us that tomorrow is the best time to do it.

"Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man. " -Jimmy Lyons

Yes, and I don't want to be a lazy person. Starting now, I am going to stop being a jerk and go back to being a nerd (well not completely. I want to be outgoing and not be too bookish ,so I can't sit inside and study all the time. Not that I will ! ) , I mean start pushing off stuff. So, I am going to publish this and get back to Math! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

A tribute to Shakespeare

Sonnet 116

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove;

O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken,
Love's not Time's fool , though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
-William Shakespeare

I came across this sonnet in my 12th grade textbook. I remember this poem vividly because this truly captured my heart. William Shakespeare is undoubtedly THE best poet ever! His style and his absolute truth made me love him more than ever. He is my second role model (well first being my dad).

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bucket list!

Today I took a quiz in Facebook (When are you going to die?) because I was so bored and also because I was a little curious! lol!! Well to prove how dumb it was , it showed that I was going to die on October 10th 2008 and told me that I just had a moment!! ha ha!! Apparently the test was outdated besides being dumb!

The thing is when I took this test I started thinking what if the doctor or some reliable source had told me I had a month or maybe 6 months to live, what would I do?

1)I would want to get married with the guy I love the most and that guy should love me too! (I am not saying this would happen in the span of 6 months or that I want the guy to waste his life by marrying me when he knows that I would die). All I want is to die happily, knowing that I was loved, just a wish . I do not expect it to come true.

2)I want to make my family understand that me dying is not that bad and that they should not suffer in sorrow nor should they let my absence consume them (because I know they are very very attached to me and so am I , so I do not want to hurt them when I am leaving this world). This will be my last wish!

3)I want to have a "going away" party! I want to meet everyone I love before I leave and besides I do not want my death to be a sad thing and I do not want people to be gloomy!

4)I want to dance in the rain. I have never danced in the rain and I am a little conscious what people might think. If I am gonna die I don't care what anyone might think!

5)I want to see Europe especially London , Paris and France. I have this desire to see these places from a long long time! I would also love to go to Egypt to see the pyramids.

6)I want to go to the beach and watch the sunset and the ocean, alone so that I can cry . (If I have very less time to live , I will be very upset so I would definitely cry, to remove the pain out my system . I like to cry when I am alone ).

7)I want to plant a Jasmine tree in my garden (in Bangalore, India) and call it "Deepthi" . I do not know why , but I just want to do it! :)

8)I want to go to Banaras , pray and bring the Ganges water back to Banglore, India . ( I want to purify myself . I have heard going to Banaras and once in your a lifetime will purify your soul so that you can go to heaven !)

9)I want to write my feelings and everything that happened to me till I die and then give them to my parents to read ! (I don't want them to be in the dark , I want them to know about their daughter as much as I can tell them! )

10)I want to own a Louis Vuitton handbag . I love LV!

Friday, March 13, 2009

My first Blog!

Weeee!! this is my first blog ...excited? Yesssssss!! To be honest I have no idea what I am supposed to write..(well people are so into blogging these days ..I thought maybe I should give it a try!) I am a very private person. I write my thoughts in my diary! But then I thought - "Why not give people access into my little mind!! eh??" , so here I am sitting in my University library on a bright Friday morning plunging into the world of blogging!

Before I start blabbering , let me introduce myself properly :

Name : Deepthi Cauligi
Nickname: Dee, Deep, Depp, Dodo(don't even ask!!! ), Deeps, Deepu
Age:hmm..maybe I should keep some stuff private!
Interests: Fashion , Writing and Reading.

I think that's enough of background about me! (Well I am bit lazy right now to write everything..besides it would take me pages and pages to write about me! :P)

I am an Indian and love being one! Jai Ho!!! :D
I am currently living in America and I love US but India will always be my home and heaven!! :)

It is amazing how a person can change as they grow up - take me for instance , I used to hate sports and physical activity till high school..but now I love exercising, doing any kind of physical activity.
I always wanted to be alone, but now , I want to be surrounded with people. You get the idea right?!

I have this weird or rather unique habit of naming my favorite inanimate objects!
My two wheeler was (Yea I had to sell it when I moved to America! :( ) named Dorinda ("A beautiful gift")
My laptop is called Danita ("God's gift") .
My ipod is named Dorri("Gift")

Well these are all my favorite objects and I love them so much!!

Don't get me wrong , I love people a lot too!! ha ha!

I have always wanted to become
1 --> Journalist
2--> Fashion Designer
3--> Archeologist

Well all I can say I am on the way to be one of these! I am so excited about it!!(I am not gonna give everything away!)
One more thing to note is that I use a lot of exclamations because I feel that they add excitement !!

I love suspense. To me my life is a big suspense, I wait eagerly everyday to see how my days folds! Each day is like watching a thriller - you never know what happens next ! I am trying to be positive these days! Yup ..I have a pessimistic edge!!

Well let me wrap up..'coz I think you would just get bored if I go on writing ceaselessly, besides this was just a sample!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Life is one big complication. Is it really that complicated?

I always wonder, about how my life would be if things wouldn't have happened the way it happened. Does everything happen for a reason or for the best? Certain questions are answered when you think deeply. The answers have always been there, but we always look far away thinking that everything is complicated. Life is complicated because we think it is. At some point in life we will realize that our life has never been complicated. It is only because of the preconceived notions that it seems to us that our life is one complicated maze. But that is not the truth. Ask yourself and you will know how easy life is.

Bangalore and Los Angeles have so many things in common. These cities are happening, trendy and growing at a fast pace. More importantly , they offer diversity. Nothing is as exciting as meeting new people. Their culture, their identity , their beliefs , their roots intrigue me . While Bangalore invites people from different parts of India, LA attracts people from across the country as well as from all over the world. Bangalore holds a special place in my heart because it is the place where I grew up, made my first set of friends, learned to ride a cycle, learned to ride a moped. Then I came to LA leaving behind all my memories behind only to create new ones (oh, I keep the old ones too! Precious as they are!). LA taught me many things, the most important lesson is to be independent and not to get too attached to people. Another important thing that I learnt was , if you follow your passion you can achieve great wonders (well, I followed my passion and I became a whole new person!). Meeting people from countries that I never knew existed, hearing different languages , growing more attached to India, excited about spotting an Indian on the road are some things that you see in LA (well America). Contrary to the popular perception of America being a paradise on earth, it is actually a place where you have to first go through a series of obstacles to actually make it a paradise. After you have lived a year maybe, you will understand the true feeling of what it means to be in America. People in India see only the good things about America and people who are in America see only the bad things about India. Both these countries are unique in their own way and that's what makes them so special. Of course nothing is perfect, so you cannot expect to be in heaven when you are in America nor should you think that being in India is hell (or even the other way round!). The most important thing to keep in mind is that any place in this world can be paradise. It is all in our head. No country is special. We have to make it special. We learn certain things when we live far away from our home, that is when we realize the importance of our home. No wonder they say " Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Now that I am 1000's of miles away from my dear country, I realize how much I love my country, my home where I spent a good part of my life. Coming to America was the best decision ever since it has changed me into a better person. Yes, everything happens for a reason and for the best! And yes, I did realize that life is not complicated at all and I love it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Facebook Fever!

I had to write about Facebook for obvious reasons! Facebook - oh my! It is more addictive than drugs (not that I have tried drugs! )What is about these social networking sites that gets everybody glued to their laptops? Well, for one they are fun (duh?!!), and you get to be a totally different person! It is so addictive that I talk to my roommates who are sitting in front of me through Facebook(yeah! come on, you do it too! ) .What has happened to the good old face-to-face talk? Well its more faceBOOK - to - faceBOOK talk. Facebook and other networking sites help people find their old friends, meet new people, it even works like a online dating site (oh ya! I havn't tried that one yet, nor do I intend to!). I personally feel that it is a wonderful invention, because it allows me to keep in touch with old friends who are too far to meet or who live in a totally different part of the world. And the best part is I can choose to ignore people who get annoying without telling them. (Ah, I have not done that either, but that is a nice option!). I get to show off my pictures, update everybody on my list on what I am thinking/doing (I am a very important person, you see!), get to know the upcoming events and even stalk people (I am sure everybody has done that!) or even just learn about the other person (to be polite). But of course everything has a bad side to it. These sites make people anti-social. People will soon forget how to communicate when they meet a person. The style of speaking changes drastically. Using LOL even when you do not feel like smiling let alone laughing. When I was talking to a friend, I realized that my fingers were 'typing' in the air! Whenever I make a slick comment my mind automatically visualizes the ':P' smiley. I even ended up using 'u', 'r', 'tat', 'skool' and other similar messaging language on my exams. I did correct it though! Well the point of all this is that FACEBOOK rocks! Of course there are disadvantages, but who cares. Oh! btw [by the way ;)] I promote my blogs through these networking sites, so I am totally in favor of them! Ok, I need to update my status on FB now!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Randomly Random!!

Ah...finally I am back in the blogging world after a span of what..? 3 months? 4 months? whatever!!!

I just love going to the beach to watch the sunset. It soothes me down and I feel my tensions and stress ebbing away! I feel like there is nothing is this world not even me. I just get lost into nothing!

I always wonder about my future. The future is such a distant cloud ...blurry and far far away ! I don't know what to expect. What will my future be like? But all I know is I want to do something worthwhile like helping people out in everything. It maybe like counseling or just helping them find a job or just console them when they are facing difficult times. Moral support is something everybody needs. Money is not all that important. People may be loaded with cash but when it comes to support its zero, nix ! Bam!! That is where it hurts the most!Money definitely cannot buy happiness and even if it can get the happiness it is only short-lived. People need to open themselves to people whom they trust or maybe strangers (as in doctors, counselors) so that they may avoid feeling conscious. It is amazing how these therapies, psychiatrists and counselors have increased and that people do go to them. One way of feeling better is to write your thoughts and feelings in a diary or being in a computer-oriented world maybe in a word document in your laptop! I stick to the old-fashioned diary writing. It fills me with excitement to read what I have written and I get to know when I have changed and in which ways I have changed. It broadens my perspectives and allows me to rectify myself . There are numerous advantages in keeping a diary and it is for those people who prefer to keep their feeling to themselves rather than go to the counselors . I want to prevent the number of suicides committed. Personally I feel that people who commit suicides are not cowards , they are just not used to facing the truth and that it would really help them to keep a diary, if they feel that it is embarrassing to tell others. I want to spread this and want people to come in contact with themselves and not fear for others. I want to decrease the percentage of suicides and want to help decrease the crime rate which is yet another story!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ah! the flakiness of our beloved English language!!!!

I Just received this forward, and I thought I might share this with you all. This is the most hilarious poem I have ever read! You should read it to get a few laughs! It is always contested that English language is weird and downright meaningless and yet it is the most common and universally accepted language. There is something about this language which pulls attention towards itself . It may be insane , it may be wacky but it still is the most desired and most happening language in the world! So lets read this crazy poem about the equally crazy yet august language! :)

There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger;
neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France.
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads,
which aren't sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted.
But if we explore its paradoxes,
we find that quicksand is not quick but can work slowly,
boxing rings are not round but square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing,
grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
If the plural of tooth is teeth,
why isn't the plural of booth, beeth?
One goose, 2 geese. So one moose,2 meese?
One index, 2 indices?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend?
If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them,
then what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be
committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?
Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same,
while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy
of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down,
in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which,
an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people,
not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course,
is not a race at all.
That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible,
but when the lights are out, they are invisible.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The most shocking Pictures!

Please save animals from being killed in the most gruesome way just to make goods for the sake of some ridiculous looking products!

The most shocking pictures I have ever seen! I was never a fan of leather goods because I did not like the look of it. But now I am totally against leather goods. I cannot imagine how a person can be so insensitive and so sickeningly cruel. I am not a big fan of animals , but that does not mean that I will kill all animals so that I can have what I want ! Among all animals , I like snakes. Seeing these pictures made me want to kill myself for being a human. It is a shame what people will do for money and looks. I cannot see how people can be paid for slaughtering animals callously. Don't animals have as much right as we do? Don't they deserve to be treated with respect? I am extremely glad that I am a vegetarian. I am appealing to people to check these pictures out and stop using leather goods. They are many other materials that look good on you! Please do not encourage the slaying of innocent animals just because they are overpowered and cannot speak out. Let's not put mankind to shame by being barbarous. It is bad enough that humans kill humans. So please do what you can to save these animals who are being killed in such a disgusting fashion!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic!!

It is a wonder that I haven't talked about my interest (or rather obsession) - SHOPPING!! I LOVE shopping! My record till date is 8 hours nonstop shopping (Thanksgiving '08). I can never forget that! WOW!! That was one helluva day!! I mean I literally "shopped till I dropped". I could no longer stand , that is when I had to stop!!! Shopping is my passion.All my worries and stress just melts away when I go shopping. I know it is kind of an expensive way to relieve stress, but whatever works!! :) I know it is not good to be a shopaholic, but I can't help it, I am so good at it! I feel like I am in cloud 9 when I am shopping. Once I see something that I like ,I HAVE to get it, else I will have a series of nightmares till I get my hands on my target. I agree that this is the worst part of being a shopaholic. But now I am a little better. I try not to be too obsessive and think more about how much I am spending. Still I consider that shopping is one of my best talents. It isn't easy. Most people get tired or bored soon or they are very bad at choosing or they just don't like shopping. But me , I am full of enthusiasm when it comes to shopping. I am an expert at choosing the best among the rest! Oh, I know I sound boastful and pathetic, but this is the only area where I am very very confident and feel very comfortable!So the next time you are bored or need help with shopping , you can always count on me to help you out!! (The Shopping expert, if I may say so myself!! :D)

Friday, March 27, 2009


"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday! " - Don Marquis

Well at least it is a polite way of saying "You are plain lazy! " I am so good at procrastination that I have become immune to the nagging voice in my head .

"Nothing is so fatiguing that the eternal hanging of an uncompleted task! " -
William James

I really agree with this. I feel so frustrated to keep pushing things. I have tried so hard to stop being such a lazy bug, but everyday the procrastination disease gets more and more serious. Like, I have a Math midterm on Friday and I have been thinking about studying for it since 3 weeks. now I have a week left and am still pushing it. I wasted a whole day (but enjoyed it! :) )and I feel so guilty. I have become sickeningly good at convincing myself that I have plenty of time, when I really know that I don't. It is sad that I am so easily distracted which makes it harder for me to study even for hour!

"Procrastination is opportunity's assassin. " ~Victor Kiam

I bet! No one can understand that better than me.

"Procrastination is the thief of time." -Edward Young

Oh I know! :(

I wish there was some kind of a doctor or a procrastination specialist who would prescribe some pills which can avoid humans from procrastinating! Wouldn't that be just lovely?
Well dreaming certainly doesn't help it , so all we have to do is have a firm mind and just overrule our mind when it tries to convince us that tomorrow is the best time to do it.

"Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man. " -Jimmy Lyons

Yes, and I don't want to be a lazy person. Starting now, I am going to stop being a jerk and go back to being a nerd (well not completely. I want to be outgoing and not be too bookish ,so I can't sit inside and study all the time. Not that I will ! ) , I mean start pushing off stuff. So, I am going to publish this and get back to Math! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

A tribute to Shakespeare

Sonnet 116

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove;

O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken,
Love's not Time's fool , though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
-William Shakespeare

I came across this sonnet in my 12th grade textbook. I remember this poem vividly because this truly captured my heart. William Shakespeare is undoubtedly THE best poet ever! His style and his absolute truth made me love him more than ever. He is my second role model (well first being my dad).

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bucket list!

Today I took a quiz in Facebook (When are you going to die?) because I was so bored and also because I was a little curious! lol!! Well to prove how dumb it was , it showed that I was going to die on October 10th 2008 and told me that I just had a moment!! ha ha!! Apparently the test was outdated besides being dumb!

The thing is when I took this test I started thinking what if the doctor or some reliable source had told me I had a month or maybe 6 months to live, what would I do?

1)I would want to get married with the guy I love the most and that guy should love me too! (I am not saying this would happen in the span of 6 months or that I want the guy to waste his life by marrying me when he knows that I would die). All I want is to die happily, knowing that I was loved, just a wish . I do not expect it to come true.

2)I want to make my family understand that me dying is not that bad and that they should not suffer in sorrow nor should they let my absence consume them (because I know they are very very attached to me and so am I , so I do not want to hurt them when I am leaving this world). This will be my last wish!

3)I want to have a "going away" party! I want to meet everyone I love before I leave and besides I do not want my death to be a sad thing and I do not want people to be gloomy!

4)I want to dance in the rain. I have never danced in the rain and I am a little conscious what people might think. If I am gonna die I don't care what anyone might think!

5)I want to see Europe especially London , Paris and France. I have this desire to see these places from a long long time! I would also love to go to Egypt to see the pyramids.

6)I want to go to the beach and watch the sunset and the ocean, alone so that I can cry . (If I have very less time to live , I will be very upset so I would definitely cry, to remove the pain out my system . I like to cry when I am alone ).

7)I want to plant a Jasmine tree in my garden (in Bangalore, India) and call it "Deepthi" . I do not know why , but I just want to do it! :)

8)I want to go to Banaras , pray and bring the Ganges water back to Banglore, India . ( I want to purify myself . I have heard going to Banaras and once in your a lifetime will purify your soul so that you can go to heaven !)

9)I want to write my feelings and everything that happened to me till I die and then give them to my parents to read ! (I don't want them to be in the dark , I want them to know about their daughter as much as I can tell them! )

10)I want to own a Louis Vuitton handbag . I love LV!

Friday, March 13, 2009

My first Blog!

Weeee!! this is my first blog ...excited? Yesssssss!! To be honest I have no idea what I am supposed to write..(well people are so into blogging these days ..I thought maybe I should give it a try!) I am a very private person. I write my thoughts in my diary! But then I thought - "Why not give people access into my little mind!! eh??" , so here I am sitting in my University library on a bright Friday morning plunging into the world of blogging!

Before I start blabbering , let me introduce myself properly :

Name : Deepthi Cauligi
Nickname: Dee, Deep, Depp, Dodo(don't even ask!!! ), Deeps, Deepu
Age:hmm..maybe I should keep some stuff private!
Interests: Fashion , Writing and Reading.

I think that's enough of background about me! (Well I am bit lazy right now to write everything..besides it would take me pages and pages to write about me! :P)

I am an Indian and love being one! Jai Ho!!! :D
I am currently living in America and I love US but India will always be my home and heaven!! :)

It is amazing how a person can change as they grow up - take me for instance , I used to hate sports and physical activity till high school..but now I love exercising, doing any kind of physical activity.
I always wanted to be alone, but now , I want to be surrounded with people. You get the idea right?!

I have this weird or rather unique habit of naming my favorite inanimate objects!
My two wheeler was (Yea I had to sell it when I moved to America! :( ) named Dorinda ("A beautiful gift")
My laptop is called Danita ("God's gift") .
My ipod is named Dorri("Gift")

Well these are all my favorite objects and I love them so much!!

Don't get me wrong , I love people a lot too!! ha ha!

I have always wanted to become
1 --> Journalist
2--> Fashion Designer
3--> Archeologist

Well all I can say I am on the way to be one of these! I am so excited about it!!(I am not gonna give everything away!)
One more thing to note is that I use a lot of exclamations because I feel that they add excitement !!

I love suspense. To me my life is a big suspense, I wait eagerly everyday to see how my days folds! Each day is like watching a thriller - you never know what happens next ! I am trying to be positive these days! Yup ..I have a pessimistic edge!!

Well let me wrap up..'coz I think you would just get bored if I go on writing ceaselessly, besides this was just a sample!