Graduation, jobs, money, getting settled, further studies - these are the words constantly running in my head now that my 4 years of fun and frolic are nearly coming to an end. As is the case with any student who is about to graduate, I have this mixed emotions building up within me. I don't want to graduate, well the reason is obvious - leaving the comforting and secured shell only to move to a scary, exposed and open world. However I do want to graduate, I want to explore this world, I want to work, be independent and more importantly be successful! :)
For quite sometime I have been going over what I want to do after I graduate. I thought getting a Masters' Degree would be a supercool idea. I would be still in the study mode and could continue to pull all-nighters and be high on caffeine. But the question was "do I know for sure what I want to be doing?" My mind did not answer this right away. I want to go into advertising, no I want be in PR, well Journalism is always there...and it went on. So I halted, took a deep breath and started the journey of finding the job that I think would suit me and my interests. US has been great to me since it helped me to conveniently change my career path and deviate it to suit my interests. Not all of us know what we want to do with out life and I am proud to say I am one of them. I am proud because it gives me an opportunity to experiment and try new things in life before finally figuring out the right path. It is going to be one long and exciting journey, for sure. Learning new things, making new mistakes, rising up after every mistake and becoming a new and improved person, each time fills me with enthusiasm and excitement to take the next step.
So, for those of you who are like me, start focusing on finding your passion. Passion is the key to success. For the next 40 years you will be working in the same field and if you are not passionate or interested, then you will be cursing your life and job. So don't let this happen. Choose the right career that interests and then success will follow.
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